Dr. Walia uses the low-force Activator Method with his patients in his University District Chiropractic office. With the Activator, Dr. Walia is able to perform quick and pain free adjustments to the exact point of stress in your spine.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Seattle Chiropractor, Dr. Jas Walia Uses the Activator Method
Dr. Walia uses the low-force Activator Method with his patients in his University District Chiropractic office. With the Activator, Dr. Walia is able to perform quick and pain free adjustments to the exact point of stress in your spine.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
Seattle Chiropractor, Dr Jas Walia Helps with Backpack Safety
With school starting, the stress of being a student has begun. Don't stress or hurt yourself more by wearing your backpack improperly. The video below describes the stress that carrying a backpack has on the spine. Backpacks can cause serious back pain if they are not worn correctly.
Dr. Jas Walia helps many students with their neck and back pain daily in his University District clinic. If you would like more information or would like to schedule an appointment visit our website or call us at 206-782-9762.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Seattle Chiropractor, Dr Jas Walia Treats Patients with Low-Force Activator
Like the video below, Dr. Walia uses the Activator to treat his patients. This low-force technique helps his patients get a quick and accurate adjustment to help ease pain. The Activator is a pain and medication free treatment to your health issues. For more information on your Seattle Activator Chiropractor you can visit our website.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Seattle Chiropractor, Dr Jas Walia Uses Low-Force Technique
Many people have reservations about starting chiropractic care. One of the most common reasons people are hesitant about visiting a chiropractor is their fear of the invasive procedures. People are afraid of the twisting, cracking and popping of their neck and spine. They have heard the success stories from friends and family that are involved in chiropractic care, but are afraid to start themselves.
Dr. Walia has eased the fears and helped many of these people with his low-force chiropractic technique. He uses the safe and gentle Activator method in his University District clinic. This technique allows him to give precise and exact adjustments to his patients. His patients are so happy with his care that they have referred their friends and family to get treatment as well. If you would like treatment from Seattle chiropractor, Dr. Walia, visit our website or give us a call 206.782.9762.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Seattle Chiropractor, Dr Jas Walia Treats Back Pain
Back pain sufferers try numerous remedies to help ease the pain. Of all of the treatments, hands on treatments have rated the highest in recent surveys. Among these hands on treatments are physical therapy, massage and CHIROPRACTIC! 59% of people surveyed about their back pain reported being "completely" or "very" satisfied with their chiropractor.
Seattle chiropractor, Dr. Jas Walia treats patients with back pain on a daily basis. Reasons for their back pain varies from sports, car accidents, stress and work. Dr. Walia's patients find relief and safety in his gentle chiropractic technique.
For more information on these studies or Seattle Chiropractor, Dr. Jas Walia, visit our website.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Seattle Chiropractor, Dr Jas Walia Uses the Activator

New studies show that the Activator method is the most popular among instrument adjusting methods. The accuracy of the Activator method makes it the most safe and gentle way to get a chiropractic adjustment. Now, your local Seattle chiropractor, Dr. Jas Walia, is certified in the Activator method technique. He is one of only four chiropractors in the Seattle area that is certified to use the Activator. Dr. Jas Walia uses the Activator to adjust his patients at Walia Chiropractic in the Seattle’s University District. His patients are already experiencing great results without having to go through surgery or take medication!
The Activator was developed in the 1960’s in order to improve the safety and comfort of chiropractic patients. Activator adjustments are very quick and controlled, which cause the patient to receive a precise and exact adjustment in and only in the area that is causing pain. Research shows that these adjustments are so quick and controlled that the muscles in your body are less likely to resist the adjustment, making it more effective.
Seattle chiropractor, Dr. Jas Walia, and other Activator doctors are able to use this new method to restore your spinal balance in a safe and gentle way. This technique has become one of the most significantly researched chiropractic techniques. Chiropractors using the Activator method have helped people all over the world benefit from the ease and precision of this very unique method of chiropractic. If you are looking for a low-force chiropractor, visit our website, or call us 206-782-9762.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Seattle Chiropractor, Dr Jas Walia Helps People With Allergies
The video below describes how chiropractic helps people with all kinds of health issues, including allergies. People coming in to be treated for other pain found allergy relief after being adjusted by a chiropractor.
Like the doctor in the video, Dr. Walia also treats patients that suffer from allergies. Some of his patients even stopped taking their allergy medication because it was no longer needed. They reported feeling strong relief after just one adjustment. If you would like more information on relieving your allergies in a safe and natural way, visit your Seattle Chiropractor, Dr. Jas Walia's website.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Seattle Chiropractor, Dr Jas Walia Can Help with ADD and ADHD
The video below describes new studies done on how chiropractic has helped children with ADHD.
Dr. Walia can also help you or your children with ADHD using the Activator technique. This technique is a very safe and gentle way to get adjusted. For information on your local Seattle Chiropractor, Dr. Jas Walia, visit our website.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Seattle Chiropractor, Dr Jas Walia Uses Safe Chiropractic Adjustmets
There have been questions as to whether or not chiropractic adjustments are safe. The video below explains what chiropractors do and why they are safe. It also touches on the way to choose a qualified and safe chiropractor for you.
Seattle Chiropractor, Dr. Jas Walia practices an even safer technique of chiropractic than the one in the video. Dr. Walia does not pop, crack, or twist your neck. He uses the Activator technique with his patients. With this technique he uses a small "clicker" device to do the spinal manipulations.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Seattle Chiropractor, Dr Jas Walia Helps With Neck Pain

Seattle Chiropractor, Dr Jas Walia, helps people with neck pain.
Do you wake up with a stiff and sore neck in the morning? Do you have difficulty turning your head from side to side? Do you experience sharp pinching or shooting pains when you turn your head? You are not alone! Millions of people are affected by neck pain daily. Neck pain is usually caused by sports injuries, car accidents, sudden movements, over use, and sleeping in awkward positions. Other causes of neck pain include arthritis, old injuries, and spinal or emotional stress.
Sudden movements such as sneezing, coughing, and whiplash can cause your neck to over stretch, which tears the muscles or ligaments that hold the joints in place. These movements can cause inflammation and swelling in your neck causing your vertebrae to move and irritate the nerves. When these nerves are irritated you can experience sharp shooting pains, headaches, dizziness, ringing in the ears, etc. While pain killers have the ability mask the pain, it is only temporary.
When your spinal muscles have been damaged or injured, the resultant muscle imbalance can prevent the vertebrae from being properly aligned causing your spine to heal crooked. This can cause you to lose your range of motion or function. It is much like car tires being misaligned causing the joints to wear quickly.
This gradual process is known as degeneration or arthritis. It happens so slowly that most people do not know they have it until it has reached an advanced stage. The slower a disease takes to progress (cancer, hearing loss, arthritis, etc.), with less initial pain, the more likely the problem will go undiagnosed until it is too late.
Chiropractic treats these causes of pain. Doctors of chiropractic, like Seattle Chiropractor, Dr Jas Walia, carefully exam the neck, while looking for specific things like muscle imbalance, loss of motion, spasm, swelling, pinched nerves, and vertebrae that are out of position. Chiropractic manipulations break up adhesions that prevent the spine from functioning properly. Chiropractors also reposition vertebrae to relieve pressure from the nerves, which also relieve pain and spasms. While doing this, they monitor your progress to make sure you are healing properly.
For more information you can visit our website.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Seattle Chiropractor, Dr Jas Walia, Uses the Activator Method
Dr Jas Walia from Walia Chiropractic uses the Activator, like the doctor in the video below, while adjusting his patients in his Seattle chiropractic office.
Seattle Chiropractor, Dr Jas Walia, is one of only four chiropractors in the Seattle area certified in the Activator technique. For more information on the Activator technique visit our website or call Dr Jas Walia, your local Seattle Chiropractor.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Jerry Rice Has Success With Chiropractic
Retired professional football player, Jerry Rice, shares his success with chiropractic care.
In this video Jerry Rice describes how chiropractic care helped him during his very intense football career. Jerry Rice credits his durability to take hits from players much larger than him to his chiropractic care throughout his football career. He also appeared on the popular television show, "Dancing With the Stars" where he experienced new aches and pains. To relieve these pains he once again turned to chiropractic.
Visit our website for more information on chiropractic.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Seattle Chiropractor, Dr Jas Walia Helps Relieve Headaches
When was the last time you woke up saying, “Wow! I feel great!” How long has it been since you were headache-free? Close your eyes and imagine what it would be like to start and end your day without a headache. It can happen! Join the millions who have realized that they don’t have to suffer from headaches anymore, with chiropractic!
Maybe you’ve had headaches for so long that you accept them as something you have to live with. The truth is, you DON’T have to live with headaches. The key to stopping your headaches is to finding their exact cause. That’s what chiropractic is all about. The first – and most important – step you can take is to visit a trained health care professional who will take your headaches seriously. We feel there’s nothing more frustrating than being told your headaches are “all in your head” or that “you have to learn to live with it.” With chiropractic you can live WITHOUT HEADACHES!
To find out if your headaches can be helped by chiropractic, you’ll need to come in to see Seattle Chiropractor, Dr. Jas Walia, for a detailed history and a careful examination. Many headaches start with a spinal misalignment in the neck, or cervical spine, which can produce pain and headaches. Your nerves carry important information about pain and musculoskeletal function. A spinal misalignment can lead to nerve interference and dysfunction. When this occurs, you may experience muscle stiffness, spasms, muscle tension, pain, and eventually chronic headaches. Read on to see how chiropractic can help you find lasting headache relief!
Get Rid of Your Pain!
If the primary cause of your headaches is altered nerve impulses, chiropractic can get rid of your headaches!
We can start the road to recovery by identifying your specific type of headache. While there are virtually hundreds of different types of headaches, yours probably fits into one of the categories listed below. In reality, they may even overlap. Take a moment to think about what brings on your headaches.
One-sided pain associated with nausea
Moderate to severe pain
Throbbing sensation
Extreme light, sound and touch sensitivity
Visual "aura"
Steady, dull pain that "caps" your scalp
Mild to moderate pain
Tension in your neck or head
Mild light or sound sensitivity
Pain near the forehead or around the eyes
Excruciating pain
Penetrating, non-throbbing pain
A series of headaches
Watery, swollen eyes
Headaches are a symptom of a problem somewhere in the body. Doctors of chiropractic do not “treat” headaches. Rather, chiropractic is a natural method of correcting underlying structural problems that can lead to headaches. Your cervical spine is comprised of a series of vertebral joints through which vital nerves pass. Chiropractic can relieve your pain by aligning any misaligned vertebra and correcting the nerve interference that may be causing your headache. Chiropractic adjustments reduce the nerve, muscle, and ligament irritation known to cause headaches. No general manipulation, no medication, no massage, and no exercise can substitute for a specific chiropractic adjustment! You don’t have to live with headache pain anymore, call Seattle Chiropractor, Dr. Jas Walia today to schedule an appointment! We promise we’ll speak quietly!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Seattle Chiropractor, Dr Jas Walia Helps With Whiplash

An estimated 2.35 million people were injured in car accidents in 2008, the lowest estimate since the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration began collecting injury data in 1988.
Many medical professionals believe this is an underestimate since many accident victims do not report injuries or even know they have whiplash until weeks later. The latest studies show that whiplash can occur in car accidents as low as 5mph. Similar studies also state that the positioning of your spine plays a major role to the severity of the whiplash injury.
Whiplash is a term used to describe injury to soft tissues in the neck that are caused by sudden motion or force. This force causes the neck to move past its normal range of motion. Whiplash is commonly caused by rear-end collisions in automobile accidents. According to Dr. Jas Walia, an expert chiropractor, professor and President of Walia Chiropractic, " Some of the symptoms of whiplash include neck pain, neck stiffness, neck swelling, headache, muscle spasms and shooting pain from the neck to shoulders and arms."
Dr. Walia goes on to state the importance of chiropractic care with whiplash injuries and how essential it is to full recovery. To contact Dr. Walia call 206 782 9762 or visit drjaswalia.com.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Seattle Chiropractor, Dr Jas Walia Helps with Low & Mid Back Pain

Most people have experienced some sort of back pain in their lifetime. Many factors can be responsible for low back pain. One of the most common is irritated or pinched nerves in the low back. There are many pain-sensing nerves in the spine. They supply the facets, discs and muscles. Irritation to these nerves can cause pain in the back, down the legs, into the abdomen, or any combination thereof. Depending on which nerve fibers are pinched or irritated, you could have symptoms of pain, numbness, tingling, weakness, or even changes in your bowels or bladder.
There are a few different ways to help ease this pain. Surgical treatment could include removing parts of the bone or disc that is irritating the nerves. Unfortunately, when this is done, it often creates instability in the spine, alters biomechanics, and can lead to arthritis or accelerated degeneration. If you remove the disc, you no longer have the cushion between the bones that absorbs the force of daily trauma. If you fuse the spine, the surrounding areas will compensate by becoming hyper mobile and will degenerate faster. If you cut away part of the spine, you lose structural integrity. However, none of these procedures can be done without first cutting away the muscles that are in the way of the surgery.
Drugs will cover up the symptoms, but will not treat the cause. When you stop taking the drugs, the pain often returns. I have never met a patient who was suffering from a Tylenol deficiency. All drugs have side effects and many side effects can be worse than the original condition. Some drugs may mask the pain which could let a potentially dangerous condition get worse. Physical therapy is good but physical therapy alone is often not enough. Chiropractic works well with physical therapy to correct the cause as well as strengthen and stabilize the area.
Chiropractic has one of the best long term and short term patient satisfaction ratings for acute and chronic low back pain sufferers. Chiropractic has been recommended by many government research projects as one of the, if not the most effective forms of treatment and is cost effective. For more information or to schedule an appointment call your local Seattle Chiropractor, Dr Jas Walia.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Seattle Chiropractor, Dr Jas Walia Helps with Ear Infections
Chiropractic care is a natural way for parents to help their children with pain caused by an ear infection. Ear infections can be the most painful thing your child may experience in their young lives. No doubt you have seen your child go through excruciating pain and discomfort caused by ear infections. Many parents feel helpless and spend many sleepless nights unable to soothe their aching child. Studies suggest that almost all kids will have an ear infection by the age of two. Some kids are more prone to ear infections than others, and may experience them on a regular basis. You as a parent have some tough decisions to make, such as should I keep exposing my child to constant antibiotics and take the chance of permanent side effects? Should I let my child tough it out and heal naturally even though I know how much pain he/she is in? There is no correct answer, but a safer and natural alternative is chiropractic care.
Dr Jas Walia is a Seattle Chiropractor who specializes in the Activator technique and is one of four certified chiropractors in Activator practicing in Seattle. Many medical doctors including Dr Andrew Weil believe chiropractic sessions using the Activator method are “safer than the traditional high force manipulations because the head is kept in a neutral postion; there is no turning or twisting while the adjustment is being given.” This safe chiropractic technique has helped many children like your own treat their ear infections in a safe and natural way. Why put your child through the risk of having side effects when Dr Walia may be able to help in a natural and effective way. If you would like more information or would like to schedule an appointment, call Dr Jas Walia, your local Seattle Chiropractor.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Seattle Chiropractor, Dr, Jas Walia helps with Pregnancy Back Pains
Seattle Chiropractor, Dr, Jas Walia helps with Pregnancy Back Pains.
Chiropractic care can help with pregnancy back pain because over the course of a forty week gestation, a mother's weight gain will ideally reach somewhere between 30-40 lbs. This increase in weight can create spinal misalignment and/or postural distortions which in turn affect nerves, muscles and mobility of joints. As the bulk of this weight is deposited in the abdominal area, the mother's center of gravity shifts forward. In order to compensate, the natural curves of the spine, particularly in the lumbar region, become exaggerated causing "low back pain".
The hips may also expand laterally to help stabilize the body, putting pressure on the sacro-illiac joints. The hormones of pregnancy cause muscles, ligaments, cartilage (such as the symphisis pubis), and even bones to "soften" and become more pliable. Pelvic bones "slip" and can become more easily displaced and/or fixated. In addition, certain round ligaments attach to pelvis bones and then to the uterus as it enlarges with the growth of the baby. When these ligaments are strained or torqued, as with sudden movement or "rolling over", they can cause even more discomfort for the pregnant mother.
Benefits of Prenatal Chiropractic Care with Seattle Chiropractor Dr. Jas Walia:
-Correct vertebral misalignment and relieve pressure with gentle and effective adjustments.
-Help ensure that pelvic bones are properly aligned, facilitating a quicker, easier delivery.
-Re-establish the natural position and mobility of the joints.
-Provide freedom from interference of normal nerve energy which is vital for the development of a healthy baby and mother.
We have helped many mothers and children with aches and pains. Our treatments are specific, non-forceful and highly recomended. For more information or to schedule an appointment call Dr. Jas Walia your local Seattle chiropractor.